+852 2477 2332
+852 2479 3775

School Vision and Mission

Provides high-quality of child care services, committed to nurturing child’s balanced learning opportunities in the five aspects of development, i.e. moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic , inspire children’s potential, cultivate children to have all-round development, happy and healthy growth via creative learning environment and appropriate curriculum design.

Course Features

Education should never be separated from our daily life. With this in mind, our curriculum is designed with the integration of our children’s everyday experiences, using “games” as one of our major teaching strategies. Key learning aspects include “Individual and community”, “Nature and daily life”, “Fitness and health”, “Arts and creativity”, “Mathematics for children” and “Languages”.

We believe in “Learning-by-doing”, and therefore we encourage our students to attain knowledge and skills through first-hand experiences so as to enhance their learning interest and incentive. Children’s character can be forged with the aid of moral stories and dramas, while their budding spirit of exploration can be nurtured with develop science discovery workshops.

Furthermore, we highly value learning activities for our students to obliterate and trilingual language abilities and have thus developed a book-reading programmer. In order to enhance children’s capability to “listen, speak, read and write”, our professionally qualified Native-speaking Mandarin teachers and Native-speaking English teachers (NETs) are here to provide the most desirable learning environment for our students every day.

School Activities

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